Areas of work

works through international, local, and governmental partnerships in the following areas


water and environmental sanitation

Facilitate access to water and sanitation services for local and affected communities


To build an educated society free from illiteracy and combat school dropout

Livelihood improvement

Improving livelihood opportunities for women and youth through skills imparting programs


Providing basic and emergency healthcare to disadvantaged communities that lack basic services

Excellence in meeting urgent and sustainable humanitarian needs.


M Need Health


M need food


A non-profit development relief forum concerned with meeting the urgent and sustainable humanitarian needs of the affected and needy people in the Republic of Yemen through distinguished programs and activities in coordination with humanitarian action partners locally, regionally and internationally.

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Success stories

Saving water means life

As soon as Rashad Muhammad Salih - an eleven-year-old boy, passionate about education, studying in the third grade - heard about the Al-Furqan Water Project, and the CRB team visited his neighborhood, he set out from his house to meet them.

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Urgent Relief for the Children of Yemen

She was a joy holding a receipt card for relief with the innocence of childhood and she was smiling happily

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2022 ended with many achievements, but we continue our mission with great will and endless hopes. In 2023, we look forward to reaching new heroes with whom we share their pain and fulfill part of their hopes .. Be with us. Coalition of Relief & Building # Life Project


February 17, 2025

Coalition of Relief and Building Head (CRB) meets Yemen’s Ambassador to Malaysia to discuss humanitarian conditions and joint coordination mechanisms

Today, Monday, CRB’s Head, Dr. Kamal Al-Qudami met the ambassador of Republic of Yemen to Malaysia, Dr. Adel Bahumid, to discuss the humanitarian situations and relief […]
February 9, 2025

Coalition of Relief and Building holds a training workshop for volunteers on the mechanism and form for surveyinging and verifying beneficiaries

Coalition of Relief and Building (CRB) implemented, today, Sunday, a training workshop for volunteers on the mechanism and form for surveying and verifying beneficiaries, in Marib […]